Wednesday 15 January 2014

Winter Mid-Week Indulgence

It’s mid week, and it’s mid-January. Enough said, you need a Mid-Week Indulgence! 

I thought I’d share a simple but luxurious mid week pamper routine with you all. It doesn’t take too much energy to do and you can adapt it to suit you, great for use within the working week!

Take your favourite bath product, whether that be a bath bomb, or bubble bath and plop a good amount into a running warm bath. 

It sounds silly, but burning yourself is such an easy way to ruin that ‘perfect bath time’ you were longing for so, to save yourself the pain and the lobster look, keep checking the temperature of the bath.

I used my all time favourite bath product in my mid week routine, it’s Laura Mercier’s Creme Brûlée Honey Bath - which smells edible, is moisturising for the skin but also the bubbles last well!
It has lasted me 2 years I would say, but I only use it one the odd occasion it's one of those special products.

Once you have hopped into the tub, I make sure I’ve got all the products I want to use lined up ready to go. 

I start with a cleanse of my face/neck using the Emma Hardie Moringa Balm cleanser, and then mix in some Emma Hardie Exfoliating Seeds (available in starter sets only) which give you the ability to make your exfoliation as harsh or as subtle as you like - it’s a bit like making your own product up as you go. You just add more or less balm to the seeds to change the exfoliating effect.

Once scrubbed on the areas which need it (I tend to avoid the cheek area) concentrating on the chin, forehead and jaw line, I take a clean Emma Hardie cloth and gently wash that away, 

I let my face just rest after and then apply a mask of choice. 

Any product you use on your skin will always work better when exfoliated as it can properly penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, if you use warm water this will also help open up pores.

My favourite masks are more enzyme or glycolactic based masks, these exfoliate without the scrubbing action - I chose to get a good double exfoliation in,  as I hadn’t properly for a good while, and i was feeling it. If your skin tone looks uneven, feels bumpy or your makeup just isn't applying like it used to - try exfoliation! 

 I slather on the REN Radiance Renewal Mask (review here), but you can go ahead with whatever your favourite might be, for instance a hydrating mask would be great if you have dry skin. 

I leave that on for the required time, you could even add in a hair mask at this time too! Something like Philip Kingsley's Elastisizer would be ideal. 

Grab a fresh flannel, and gently rinse the mask off once your time is up, and allow your skin to just sit without further use of products. 

I then went ahead and washed my hair with a good shampoo and conditioner. 

Once done with that, I pop my hair up in a towel and once damp, I apply a scalp conditioner or leave in product, like the Bumble & Bumble Tonic Lotion (review here)

Finally, apply some good skincare of your choice to your face to finish… 

Hop into your favourite pjs and light your favourite candle, and you’ll be sure to have a great sleep and wake up feeling fabulous! 

1 comment:

  1. I really want to try the Phillip Kingsley elasticizer I keep hearing great things, I wonder how heavy it is on the hair I have to be careful some conditioners really weight it down! The LM body products just look divine, I can imagine they smell a-mazing too! Always nice to have something a little luxe in your stash for that special occasion pamper


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