Monday 18 February 2013

DIORSHOW NEW LOOK Mascara | Review

Whilst popping to the bathroom at work this afternoon, I discovered my mascara had travelled from my lashes, to underneath my eyes.

Shocked firstly that anyone would let me walk around in public like this, and horrified secondly that I evidently had been walking around like this, I decided to share with you a review on a product that I really do not rate at all and will not be using again.

Below you can see what my mascara had left underneath my eyes at the end of the day, after I had taken the worst of it off at work, this photo also shows my lashes without a lot of real volume either. 

I was sold this mascara as part of a set last year, and decided whilst sorting out my makeup yesterday, to try and get this premium brand product back into my routine, as I hadn't even touched it. It has to do great things, it's from a great brand I kid myself...

Come this morning, and the time of application - I really do not know why I let the counter assistant push this product on me - I mean she made me try it OVER the mascara I already had on - what difference was this mascara going to do over the top of a mascara that had already had a days wear? 

Don't get me wrong, I love Dior products - however this is one of the most disapointing products from the brand in my opinion.

I don't like the wand of the mascara, as it is plastic & has tiny little bristles. For my eyes, anything with a plastic wand and bristles will only give me length - not curl, and not volume. When you apply to the lashes, the mascara is very wet in formulation. I have quite small eyes, and found I have to wait with my eyes wide open so that one layer of this mascara could dry, so as not to smudge all round my eyes in the first place. Not what you want when you are rushing around in the mornings. 

The results were very black, which is great for lashes, but not when all over your eyelids. I decided to take a gamble, after using a cotton bud to take away most of the mess and proceed to take a day wearing this mascara.

It was a gamble, that didn't work out in my favour & I really do regret ever applying this. My eyes were sore throughout the working day, and the black from the mascara under my eyes constantly made me look like I had been hysterically crying. 

I give this mascara a definite thumbs down, especially when you think of how much you could have paid for a perfectly decent one!

In conclusion, if you do see any women with Panda Eye Syndrome, help a sister out & let her know (maybe even lend her your mirror & an emergency face wipe!). 

Let me know if you love / hate this mascara? 
What's your favourite mascara?

1 comment:

  1. It's such a shame this didn't work out for you.

    i used to think that diorshow blackout mascara was the greatest ever (it does give incredible volume) but I haven't used it for years now because it was another panda eyes culprit! x


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